Saturday 6 April 2013

English Monster in Third World Countries

English despite being taught to the students from the primary level of education often haunts the students from the third world countries.  Have you ever thought why? Who is responsible for this? - Child or someone else? 
On the contrary more often people do not even know the alphabets of their mother tongue, leaving aside the rules of grammar. Yet they speak very confidently without giving a second thought to what they have said.  Ironically, despite learning the grammar by heart and having a good score in English they could hardly express themselves in English.
Students are not to be blamed for this rather it is the education system and attitude of the people towards those who use English. Education system of these nations tends to make child cram/mug up without understanding the concept and their application. They study only from the examination point of view, which are devised to check their memories rather than insight and potential of the student. As a result students end up bookworms without the insight of implementing the theories and concepts learnt to solve the practical problems of life. The same happens with the English language which is considered only as a subject rather than a language. The people who realise this and try to treat the English as a language rather than a subject are the ones who are successful.
Therefore, to make child ready for the future, children should be encouraged to use English in his day to day life.  Since the English is emerging as a dominant international language, people need to brace them up for the new challenges by acquainting yourself with at least the working knowledge of English.  You do not have to do anything special for this you just need to substitute the English for local vernacular for some of the activities you perform in your day to day life.

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